How to Cure Indigestion Problem Naturally


How to Cure Indigestion Problem Naturally

Your stomach is a tough customer. Thick muscles clamp down on food and squeeze it for all it's worth. An acid powerful enough to burn your skin bathes the stomach walls. No wonder you and your tummy may get into a tussle every now and then. And those blows above the belt like heartburn and indigestion are enough to make you call for help. Just hope that the 'help' doesn't make you hurt worse.

Many of the treatments recommended by doctors for their patients with stomach problems simply do not work — or actually, do more harm than good.

Calcium carbonate, one common antacid ingredient, causes 'acid rebound'. This chemical — which does take the sting out of acid already in your stomach — also triggers the release of a hormone that tells the stomach to pump out more acid. The acid level falls at first but bounces right back — and to a level higher than it was to start with.

However, there are several natural remedies for an upset stomach.
Bran Dr. Neil Stamford Painter and his colleagues reported in the British Medical Journal that, among 70 patients with diverticular disease of the colon, 11 often felt nausea and stomach upset. But after several weeks of taking an average of two tablespoons of bran daily, seven of these patients reported a complete absence of nausea. Two others said their symptoms were relieved. Many cases of heartburn were also relieved by the brain regimen.

In another study, A. J. M. Brodribb and Daphne M. Humphreys reported that 19 out of 22 patients complaining of nausea were either completely or largely relieved after taking bran (British Medical Journal).

Dr. Painter and his colleagues propose a commonsense theory for why the brain works: if fibre-rich foods such as bran are necessary for the normal functioning of the lower bowel, then they are probably also needed for the health of the whole digestive tract.
Papaya Another natural aid to digestion is the tropical fruit papaya — a rich source of papain, a powerful protein-digesting enzyme. But if papaya is out of season — or if none of your local shops stocks it — then you can turn to papain supplements. You may find that papain helps relieve not only stomach upset but 'wind' as well.
Fennel In his classic on natural remedies, Back to Eden, Jethro Kloss proposed the herb fennel as 'one of the thoroughly tried remedies for gas [wind], acid stomach, gout, cramps, colic, and spasms'. Kloss suggested using the herb almost as a spice, sprinkling ground fennel on food to prevent gas in the stomach and bowels. Many herbalists advise making a tea made from the seeds of the plant to be used as a treatment for indigestion.
Catmint Although it may have your cat jumping and wobbling around, catmint may help to set your stomach straight. In their book, A Guide to the Medicinal Plants of the United States, Arnold, and Connie Krochmal noted that a tea made from catmint is a traditional Appalachian remedy for stomach ailments.

Kloss gave catmint rave reviews, calling it 'very useful in the pain of any kind', and excellent in allaying wind and acid. He continued enthusiastically: 'It is a harmless remedy and should take the place of the various soothing syrups on the market, many of which are very harmful. This wonderful remedy should be in every home. '
Anise If your sweet tooth has given you a sour stomach, try chewing on anise seeds. That's the advice of R. Swinburne Clymer in his book, Nature's Healing Agents. Dr. Clymer noted that parents frequently gave their children cakes covered with anise seeds during the holiday season to soothe the acid stomach that can result from over-eating sweets.
Mint You may never have laid eyes on a peppermint or spearmint plant, but thanks to the popularity of chewing gum, mints and toothpaste, you probably know their distinctive flavors. Well, chewing gum is no remedy for indigestion, but if you've doubled your fun at a dinner party with a big second helping, peppermint and spearmint tea may help you out.

Peppermint, like catmint, has been used in Appalachia to treat indigestion and colic, say the Krochmals. It is also considered a stimulant and is used for all sorts of intestinal ailments. Kloss noted that 'a strong cup of peppermint tea will act more powerfully on the system than any liquor [alcoholic] stimulant, quickly diffusing itself through the system and bringing back to the body its natural warmth...' He points out that it's an excellent remedy for gas in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and colon troubles.

In contrast to peppermint's enlivening qualities, spearmint is 'very soothing and quieting to the nerves', wrote Kloss. Like peppermint, however, spearmint is a 'highly esteemed' remedy for gas in the stomach, nausea, and vomiting.
Sage Sage is valued for counteracting rich and greasy foods such as goose and duck. That's probably why it has a reputation to this day as a digestive aid. In fact, many who take the stage for intestinal inflammation testify that the strong, camphoraceous, slightly bitter tea is quite effective.
Yogurt Another tummy-tamer is yogurt. Yogurt is milk that's been fermented by bacteria like Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bulgar incus.

Texas osteopath Steven Cordas says, 'I have treated stomach ailments of all kinds with acidophilus. I have also treated esophagitis, an inflammation of the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach, with it. The primary benefit of this bacteria is in the colon, but its secondary benefit is in the entire digestive tract. '

Fellow osteopath Paul Wynn agrees. 'If someone comes into my office with a digestive complaint, I ask them to eat a cup of yogurt a day and come back in a week. Only if their problem persists — and it often' doesn't — do I investigate further. '
And the last word about eating itself.
Even though we advise you to exercise whenever you can, don't race through your meals. Make them leisurely and enjoyable. Chew slowly and savor your food. Enjoy conversation — don't argue or complain. When your face turns red with anger, so does the inside of your stomach. Not only the stomach, but the whole digestive tract is very sensitive to your emotions. Wear a smile when you sit down to eat. Indigestion won't dare show its face.
How to Cure Indigestion Problem Naturally How to Cure Indigestion Problem Naturally Reviewed by Healthy Kite on 5/28/2016 Rating: 5

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