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healthy kite

About for Healthy Kite


Fortunately, for the medical profession and the public, the majority of people who develop a symptom do not visit their General Practitioner. Indeed, over 60 per cent cope with their symptoms recourse to the established health care services. The notion of self-care encompasses — self-diagnosis, self-treatment, disease prevention and health maintenance. The explosion of interest in self-care is evidenced by the growing number of health journals, popular 'how-to' site, Yoga classes and keep-fit clubs. The health food industry has begun to influence supermarkets and advertising campaigns. The need for an up-to-date and well-informed guide to both the minor and common conditions we all experience from time to me and more serious illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease is well served by the authors of the Healthy Kite. The focus taken in many of the conditions described include a detailed dietary, vitamin and mineral description of the factors involved. The ability to literally shape our lives is nowhere more evident than in the food we choose to eat. Over 90 percent of our total body mass is replaced every six months and the new cells are made from the nutrients obtained from our diet. We are indeed what we eat and as Hippocrates himself said, we should 'learn how to make food our medicine and not medicine our food'.

However, a word of caution is important for food faddism is an increasing symptom of our health-conscious culture. Most of the conditions described are self-limiting, i.e. they go away on their own. Most of us will be prone to disease and distress, however, 'well' we practice our preventive program. Being human entails becoming ill, being in pain, experiencing sadness, grief and anxiety, and a few sleepless nights should not send you immediately to your tryptophan or Vitamin C bottle.

Balance and common sense are probably the most important ingredients in any self-care program and together with the information provided on this site, the reader should be well prepared.


All of us come down with illnesses at some time in our lives — some of us more often than others. We either treat ourselves — say, by taking two aspirins and tucking ourselves into a nice warm bed — or we go to see our family doctor, who will often prescribe the same thing. However, what we often want is not the usual prescription and instruction to 'come and see me again if you don't get better', but a way of Preventing ourselves from becoming ill in the first place.

The Healthy Kite presents some of the most recent research into ways of ensuring that your body avoids falling prey to some of the most common conditions — and some that are not so common.

Nutrition is the watchword here — are you sure that you are taking in enough nutrients so that your body has the ammunition to fight disease? And if you do develop an iIlness, this site can suggest treatments — often less invasive than orthodox practice or involving the taking of vitamins and minerals that have far fewer side-effects than most drugs.

This site is not a medical encyclopedia — for instance, it does not go into great detail about the causes and progress of most diseases — and illnesses such as measles and chicken pox, for which time itself is the great healer, are not included. However, the site is encyclopedic in the vast range of topics discussed — from acne and back problems to heart disease, impotence and sexual dysfunction, traveler's diarrhea and much, much more.

The aim of the Healthy Kite is to give everyone the tools to understand and enhance the mechanisms that will ensure good health — both physical and emotional. Diet — and especially vitamins, minerals and other vital nutrients — relaxation and complementary therapies all play positive roles while advice is an oven on what sorts of things we should all avoid so that we can grow properly and then live fully and healthily as we become older.

Who We Are

Abir Ahamed
Abir Ahamed
Abir Ahamed

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Abir Ahamed is entrepreneur and the Co-founder of (Healthy Kite).

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(Skype) abir.ahamed.369

Phone : +8801677-729479

At any time, for any such advice, please contact us.

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About Us About Us Reviewed by Healthy Kite on 3/06/2018 Rating: 5