How to Cure Tinnitus Ringing in the Ears


How to Cure Tinnitus Problem Naturally

Tinnitus — ringing, hissing, buzzing or roaring in the ears — affects millions of people in one form or another. You don't have to be deaf to have it; most tinnitus sufferers aren't. In fact, everybody has probably suffered from a temporary form of tinnitus — when, for example, you've stood too close to a car backfiring, or banged your head — and usually it's no big deal. But for those who suffer from tinnitus for prolonged periods, it can be anything from a persistent annoyance to an unbearable affliction.

The fact that the majority of tinnitus sufferers are told by their doctors only to try to live with their problem doesn't help. Although ear specialists have tried various treatments for tinnitus, including surgery and drugs, they have had few successes. Even 'tinnitus maskers', hearing aid-like devices that drown out the noise with other sounds, only cover up the symptom without helping the underlying problem. And tinnitus is always a symptom of an underlying hearing disorder, which often leads to some form of hearing loss.

Noise from a starving ear

An approach by Paul Yanick, Jr, a clinical audiologist, and adjunct assistant professor at Monmouth College in New Jersey, offers hope to tinnitus sufferers. Dr. Yanick believes that tinnitus, as well as many other hearing problems, can be traced to metabolic disturbances, and in partnership with several doctors, he has developed a theory into a successful clinical therapy.

Dr. Yanick started to develop his theory that tinnitus and other hearing problems are caused by metabolic imbalances in 1974 when he and Dr. E. J. Gosselin studied the metabolism of 90 patients with hearing loss. They found an extremely high correlation between metabolic disorders and hearing disorders (Journal of the American Audiology Society).

Hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar), Dr. Yanick is convinced, is the most commonly under-rated cause of tinnitus and other hearing problems, including progressive deafness. 'A diet high in refined carbohydrates raises the blood sugar level too high and too fast,' he explains. 'The pancreas overreacts to these dangerously high sugar levels by producing too much insulin. Then the insulin drops the sugar level down too low and too fast. Since the inner ear has the highest energy requirement of any organ in the body, the drop in blood sugar puts a lot of stress on it. Finally, the body's stress reaction floods the system with adrenaline, which constricts the highly sensitive vascular network in the ears — this is often what causes the ringing of tinnitus. As a result, the ear is starved of energy and oxygen, and can't get the nutrients it needs to function.
Hearing improvements with vitamin A are well documented,' Dr. Yanick says. 'A recent animal study found ten times more vitamin A in the inner ear than in other tissues of the body. Probably all sensory receptor cells, such as those in the inner ear, are functionally dependent on vitamin A. The B vitamins, too, are important for nerve functions. And they also play a major part in glucose metabolism.
One of Dr. Yanick's patients was a 33-year-old contractor who consulted him about fluctuating tinnitus, a variety that seems to come and go. The ringing was worst in the quiet of the night, and soon it made it difficult for the man to sleep. He resorted to drugs — aspirin at first and then Valium — but the tinnitus remained.

Dr. Yanick's hearing tests revealed that the contractor was already suffering from a slight, undetected hearing loss. Observation and questioning further revealed that the hearing loss, which was not evident to the patient, put great strain on him in social situations. 'The person with a hearing problem,' Dr. Yanick explains, 'is under great stress. He's concentrating, trying to grasp every word. '

Dr. Yanick further discovered that in the course of his patient's work as a contractor, he was sometimes exposed to loud noises. Metabolic and biochemical tests revealed that the contractor was hypoglycemic and deficient in magnesium, chromium and, especially, zinc.

The first thing Dr. Yanick did was to prescribe a pair of earplugs. 'Exposure to loud noise is dangerous, ' he explains. 'It constricts the blood vessels in the inner ear and deprives it of oxygen and essential nutrients. ' Then he equipped his patient with a carefully fitted hearing aid. By correcting his slight hearing loss, this immediately relieved much of the stress he felt in social situations. 'And,' Dr. Yanick points out, 'better hearing can itself drown out moderate tinnitus. '

The patient's nutritional problems were also tackled. Dietary reforms were suggested, as well as a program of fast walking. Proper exercise makes the heart and blood vessels more efficient, helping to provide enough nourishment for the ear.

After two months of treatment, the contractor should a 20 percent improvement of hearing and no more tinnitus. He was now also able to get on happily without tranquilizers and sleeping pills.

Hypoglycaemia isn't the only metabolic abnormality related to hearing problems; too much fat in the blood is, too. 'High blood levels of fats,' Dr. Yanick explains, 'causes red blood cells to stick together, reducing the flow of oxygen to the inner ear. When tests reveal that a patient has this problem, we recommend supplements of lecithin, iron, and potassium, along with a diet high in grains, fruits, and vegetables. That regimen has been very helpful in lowering fat levels and increasing the supply of oxygen. '

Another biochemical disorder that can cause hearing problems is an electrolyte imbalance. Electrolytes are substances in the fluids of the inner ear. 'Low blood levels of potassium,' Dr. Yanick says, 'cause electrolyte imbalance and consequent hearing problems. Supplements of potassium and B vitamins, along with an individualized dietary and stress-reduction program, can often restore the proper balance and improve hearing. '
Other ear specialists advocate the use of vitamins A, C and B12 and nicotinic acid (niacin).


If your tinnitus persists, try giving up aspirin. Sometimes that's all it takes to stop the ringing. That's because aspirin, in chronic standard doses, such as those used in treating arthritis, can cause tinnitus. In fact, it can do much worse — it can cause deafness. So can certain prescription drugs, including some commonly used antibiotics.

Consider, too, that stress can play a part. Stress-reducing techniques, as well as a hearing aid that is scientifically tuned to deliver maximum clarity and comfort, are also important in Dr. Yanick's holistic program.
For some people, tinnitus gets louder just by worrying about it,' he says. 'Stress is a cause as well as a result of metabolic disturbances and plays a major part in hearing problems, especially tinnitus. I've found that with my patients, fast walking or jogging usually helps to relieve ordinary stress.
Diet, nutrition, exercise, relaxation. 'It's obvious that the ear is part of the body, ' Dr. Yanick concludes, 'and it makes no sense to treat hearing problems in isolation from the body's general well-being. '
How to Cure Tinnitus Ringing in the Ears How to Cure Tinnitus Ringing in the Ears Reviewed by Healthy Kite on 7/14/2016 Rating: 5

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