How to Treat Oedema Problem Naturally


How to Treat Edema Problem Naturally

Edema is a general term used to describe swelling caused by retention of fluid in the tissues. It is a common problem in pregnancy, and for millions of women before their monthly periods. In his book, Vitamin B6, The Doctor's Report, John M. Ellis recounts how high-level vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) supplements eliminated the edema that is so characteristic of women with the high estrogen levels typical of these conditions.

Dr. Ellis related the case of a 37-year-old woman, eight months pregnant, who was suffering from severe edema. 'The tops of her feet were swollen so tightly that her skin had a light sheen to it,' he recalled. 'It was noticeable from across the room. When I pressed the top of her foot with my finger, the outline of my finger remained several seconds in the swollen flesh of her foot.' Dr. Ellis started giving her 50 mg injections of vitamin B6 every two days. After four days, the puffiness and bloating were almost gone.

Vitamin B6 can also reduce pre-menstrual water retention. One evening, after finishing his hospital rounds, Dr. Ellis noticed a nurse with puffy hands and fingers. Intrigued, since he had recently been relieving the edema of pregnancy with vitamin 136, he asked the nurse if her hands tingled or went to sleep — edema's most common symptoms.
Dr. Ellis,' the nurse replied, 'there is something about this that has to do with my menstrual cycle. About midway between my periods is when I notice that the swelling and soreness begin. It lasts from seven to ten days and goes away when I menstruate.
Dr. Ellis's diagnosis: 'premenstrual edema'.

He knew that, for years, gynecologists had been giving diuretics drugs that make the kidneys excrete the excess liquid causing the puffiness — in an attempt to control it. But, given his success in treating the edema of pregnancy With vitamin B6, Dr. Ellis decided to pit the vitamin against the problem.

When the nurse came into his office the next day, Dr. Ellis prescribed two 50 mg tablets of vitamin B6 daily for five days and asked her to return on the sixth day. She had this to report when she returned: 'After taking the B6 for two days, my hands were better — in fact, seemed well. By the third day, I was able to wear my rings, use the typewriter and sleep much better.'

For the next 12 months, she took one 50 mg tablet daily and had no pain or swelling. After a year, she decided on her own to take the tablets only on the 10 days preceding menstruation. Then, to make sure that the vitamin B6 was doing what he thought it was, Dr. Ellis asked her to discontinue taking the tablets altogether. It was 1 October. Her next menstrual period was due on 15 October.

Menstruation began, as expected, on 15 October — without difficulties. She continued not taking the vitamin.

On 13 November, she developed a muscular soreness in the back of her neck. During the night, she woke up with pain in her fingers. During the next day, she developed severe pains in the joints of her left hand. There was no mistaking it — her face, hands, and fingers were swollen. Her fingers were so painful that she could hardly bear to lift a hospital chart. On 15 November, she began menstruating.

Needless to say, the nurse eagerly returned to her daily vitamin B6 supplement. Her next period was total without problems.

Over the years, Dr. Ellis saw more and more patients with the same problem. In one group of women he treated for this disorder, 4 out of 11 had previously taken diuretics to control their puffiness, but with little success. However, when they took 50 to 100 mg of pyridoxine daily, all their signs and symptoms were relieved by the next cycle of menstruation.
Vitamin therapy, as any drug therapy, is not without its problems. If 200 mg or more of pyridoxine is taken daily, there may be some gastric acidity or nausea. In addition, researchers in Britain have discovered that some women on long-term vitamin B6 therapy develop nerve damage (e.g. 'pins-and-needles', numbness, etc.) Therefore, it is best to take only 40 mg of pyridoxine twice a day, rising to 75 mg if necessary, and to take this for only three days before a period. If any adverse effects occur, see your doctor.
How to Treat Oedema Problem Naturally How to Treat Oedema Problem Naturally Reviewed by Healthy Kite on 6/06/2016 Rating: 5

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