How to Stop Bed Wetting Problem Naturally

bed wetting

How to Stop Bed Wetting Problem Naturally

Allergy can disturb bladder function and lead to bed-wetting. When the bladder is the target for an allergic reaction, its wall swells and loses elasticity. Thus, the volume of urine it can hold is reduced. The smooth muscle becomes irritated, with a tendency to spasm. The shutoff valve shares these adverse reactions and is thereby less able to perform its function. In addition, because allergic children suffer from undue fatigue, they tend to sleep more deeply and do not sense the call of nature.

A study of 500 children indicated that cow's milk was the most frequent cause of allergic reaction. Other foods indicted include eggs, chocolate, grains and citrus fruits. These observations, reported by Dr. J. C. Breneman before the American College of Allergists, emphasize that children should not be punished for bed-wetting and that emotional problems in these children are the result rather than the cause of the condition.
How to Stop Bed Wetting Problem Naturally How to Stop Bed Wetting Problem Naturally Reviewed by Healthy Kite on 5/19/2016 Rating: 5

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